Gold Can Turn To Sand
Stina - Gold Can Turn to Sand
Stina - Gold Can Turn to Sand
HD / Hips BVA 3:3 / FCI B
AD / Elbow BVA 0 FCI 0
Eyes clear 2023
PRA 1 & 2 Clear
Född / DOB 21/07/2017
Stamtavla / Pedigree
Stina is a fun-loving girl who has been lightly competed with but with super results! At her first show she became BEST PUPPY IN SHOW! She has also competed at Crufts, gaining a 3rd in Yearling under Frank Kane while being the youngest in the class!
Stina ute på promenad
Stina ute på promenad
Stina 4 månader gammal / Stina 4 months old
Stina 4 månader gammal / Stina 4 months old
Stina 8 veckor gammal / Stina 8 weeks old
Stina 8 veckor gammal / Stina 8 weeks old
Stinas valpar / Stinas puppies
Click on their names to learn more:
Hips: A
Elbows: 0
Eyes Clear
Hips: B
Elbows: 0
Eyes Clear